Austria has much to offer: high mountains and alpine pastures in the west, Mediterranean lakes in the south and scenic plains in the east. A land of majestic buildings and of the rural culture and history of past centuries.For more than three hundred years Vienna was the residence of the emperor and the nobility had their fine palaces built in this city that was dominated by Baroque architecture. The Hofburg was the residence of the royal family and the legislative centre of the city, with eighteen wings, nineteen courtyards and more than two and a half thousand rooms. The mighty central cupola of the National Library spans thirty metres high above the most beautiful reading hall in the world and each day white Lipizzaner stallions are trained in the Spanish Riding School. The Wachau covers thirty six kilometres of the Danube Delta with mediaeval old towns, castles and ruins, a Baroque monastery and an ancient vine growing culture. Linz is the capital of Upper Austria and is a dynamic industrial city with an old town that has a long history. It is the third largest city in Austria and is located on both banks of the Danube with several connecting bridges. Salzburg is a city of bishops and of music and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Austria as well as being the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The Grossglockner High Alps Road travels through one of the greatest natural landscapes in the world, the Hohe Tauern National Park, a remarkable mountain world in which nature is at its most glorious. Although this former powerful realm of the Habsburger is now a relatively small country, its history, traditions and the diversity of its remarkable landscapes have retained their irresistible allure. Austria will always be the majestic land in the very heart of Europe!
- Abkhazia
- Abu Dhabi
- Afghanistan
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Albania
- Albany
- Alberta
- Albuquerque
- Algeria
- American Samoa
- Amherst
- Anaheim
- Andalusia
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Angus
- Annecy
- Antarctica
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antioquia
- Arachova
- Argentina
- Arizona
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- Armoy
- Aruba
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- Ashikaga
- Astana
- Astoria
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Attica
- Auburn
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- Aurora
- Austin
- Australia
- Austria
- Azad Kashmir
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- Bagan
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- Bamberg
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- Biscay
- Blaine
- Blenheim
- Blokzijl
- Boise
- Bojnice
- Bol
- Bolivia
- Bolzano
- Bonn
- Bonneville
- Bora Bora
- Boracay
- Bordeaux
- Boscobel
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Boston
- Botiza
- Botswana
- Bourtange
- Bran
- Bratislava
- Braunschweig
- Brazil
- Breckenridge
- Bremm
- Bristol
- British Columbia
- British Virgin Islands
- Brittany
- Broadway
- Bronx
- Brooklyn
- Bruges
- Brunei
- Brussels
- Bryce
- Budapest
- Buffalo
- Bukovina
- Bulgaria
- Burj Al Arab
- Burkina Faso
- Burnaby
- Burnley
- Burundi
- Busan
- Cabo San Lucas
- Calatagan
- Calgary
- California
- Calverton
- Cambodia
- Cambridge
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Canberra
- Cancun
- Cantabria
- Cape May
- Cape Town
- Cape Verde
- Carinthia
- Caroline Islands
- Cartagena
- Cayman Islands
- Cebu
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Chania
- Chantilly
- Charleston
- Cheshire
- Chicago
- Chile
- China
- Chinatown
- Chittagong
- Cholula
- Chongqing
- Chopta
- Cleveland
- Collingwood
- Cologne
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Comoros
- Coney Island
- Connecticut
- Cook Islands
- Cooperstown
- Copenhagen
- Cork
- Corning
- Cornwall
- Coron
- Costa Rica
- Countryside
- Coventry
- Cox's Bazar
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cuenca
- Cumbria
- Curacao
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Dallas
- Darjeeling
- Davao City
- Delaware
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denali
- Denmark
- Denver
- Derbyshire
- Derry
- Devon
- Dhaka
- Dinan
- Dinant
- Disneyland
- District of Columbia
- Djibouti
- Doha
- Dolwyddelan
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Donegal
- Dorset
- Dresden
- Dubai
- Dublin
- Dubuque
- Dyersville
- East Java
- East Sussex
- Ecuador
- Edina
- Edinburgh
- Edmonton
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Ellis Island
- England
- Enniskillen
- Ephesus
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Ernakulam
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Europe
- Faroe Islands
- Features
- Fiji
- Finland
- Firenze
- Flatiron
- Florence
- Florida
- Fontaines
- Fort Worth
- France
- French Polynesia
- Gabon
- Gainesville
- Gambia
- Gangtok
- Gansevoort
- Gansu
- Gatlinburg
- Geneva
- Genoa
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Giethoorn
- Gironde
- Glenfinnan
- Gloucestershire
- Goa
- Gordes
- Gouda
- Granada
- Greece
- Green Island
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Grenadines
- Grindelwald
- Groningen
- Guangxi
- Guatemala
- Guernsey
- Guilin
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Gwynedd
- Haifa
- Haikou
- Haiti
- Hallstatt
- Hambantota
- Hamburg
- Hamilton
- Hampton
- Harrietstown
- Hartford
- Haryana
- Havana
- Hawaii
- Helsinki
- Henan
- Hilversum
- Himachal Pradesh
- Hirta
- Hokkaido
- Holland
- Hollywood
- Hondarribia
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Honolulu
- Honshu
- Houston
- Hualien
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Idaho
- Ifugao
- Illinois
- Ilulissat
- India
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Indonesia
- Innsbruck
- Iowa
- Iran
- Ireland
- Ishikawa
- Island Gardens
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Istanbul
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jackson
- Jaipur
- Jaisalmer
- Jakarta
- Jamaica
- Jamestown
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Japan
- Jersey City
- Jisp
- Jodhpur
- Jordan
- Kaiserstuhl
- Kanazawa
- Kansas
- Kaoshiung
- Kapalua
- Karelia
- Karnataka
- Kashmir
- Kassel
- Kastellorizo
- Kathmandu
- Kazakhstan
- Kentucky
- Kenya
- Kerala
- Kerry
- Khagrachhari
- Khajuraho
- Kingsbridge
- Kingston
- Klevan
- Knaresborough
- Knightsbridge
- Kodagu
- Koggala
- Konark
- Kosovo
- Kotor
- Kowloon
- Kuala Lumpur
- Kulmbach
- Kuwait
- Kyoto
- Kyrgyzstan
- Ladakh
- Lahaina
- Lambertville
- Lancashire
- Laos
- Las Vegas
- Latina
- Latvia
- Lausanne
- Lauterbrunnen
- Leavenworth
- Lebanon
- Lech
- Leer
- Legzira
- León
- Lesotho
- Lewes
- Liberia
- Libya
- Lijiang
- Limehouse
- Limerick
- Lisbon
- Lisse
- Lithuania
- Littleton
- Liverpool
- Ljubljana
- Lofoten
- London
- Los Angeles
- Louisiana
- Lucerne
- Lucknow
- Lugano
- Luxembourg
- Maasin
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Madeira
- Madhya Pradesh
- Madrid
- Maine
- Makassar
- Málaga
- Malawi
- Malay
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malibu
- Malta
- Manarola
- Manhattan
- Manhattan Beach
- Manila
- Maple Beach
- Maramures
- Marazion
- Marina Bay
- Marrakesh
- Marseille
- Marshall Islands
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Maui
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayo
- McCall
- Mecca
- Melbourne
- Memphis
- Menorca
- Merseyside
- Mespelbrunn
- Mexico
- Miami
- Michigan
- Michoacán
- Middletown
- Milan
- Milford Sound
- Milky Way
- Millau
- Mindanao
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- Minsk
- Mischa Barton
- Mission
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Modica
- Mohawk Valley
- Molokini Crater
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montana
- Montenegro
- Montreal
- Morocco
- Moscow
- Mosel
- Mostar
- Mozambique
- Mudgee
- Muisne
- München
- Munich
- Munnar
- Muzaffarabad
- Myanmar
- Naga City
- Nagasaki
- Namibia
- Naples
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- Navarre
- Nazareth
- Nebraska
- Neelam
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Nevada
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- New Delhi
- New England
- New Hampshire
- New Haven
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans
- New South Wales
- New York
- New York City
- New Zealand
- Newark
- Newport
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Nikko
- Niue
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- North Island
- North Korea
- North Yorkshire
- Norway
- Norwich
- Nova Scotia
- Oahu
- Odisha
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oman
- Ontario
- Oregon
- Orlando
- Ottawa
- Oulu
- Overijssel
- Pago Pago
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Palawan
- Pamplona
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paris
- Paro
- Patagonia
- Paterson
- Pattaya
- Pauma Valley
- Pefkos
- Pembrokeshire
- Penang
- Pennsylvania
- Perthshire
- Peru
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- Philipsburg
- Phoenix
- Phuket
- Pichola
- Pingle
- Piriápolis
- Pittsburgh
- Point Roberts
- Poland
- Pondicherry
- Portland
- Porto
- Portofino
- Portugal
- Prague
- Provence
- Puducherry
- Puebla
- Puerto Rico
- Puteaux
- Qatar
- Quebec
- Queens
- Queensland
- Queenstown
- Quezon City
- Quintana Roo
- Rainawari
- Rajasthan
- Rameswaram
- Rangamati
- Raymond Terrace
- Republic of Ireland
- Republic of the Congo
- ReykjavÃk
- Rhode Island
- Riga
- Rimini
- Rio De Janeiro
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- Rome
- Roscommon
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- Saint Barthelemy
- Saint Barthélemy
- Saint Helena
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- Salt Lake City
- Salzburg
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- San Boldo Pass
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- Zulia
Austria has much to offer: high mountains and alpine pastures in the west, Mediterranean lakes in the south and scenic plains in the east. A land of majestic buildings and of the rural culture and history of past centuries.For more than three hundred years Vienna was the residence of the emperor and the nobility had their fine palaces built in this city that was dominated by Baroque architecture. The Hofburg was the residence of the royal family and the legislative centre of the city, with eighteen wings, nineteen courtyards and more than two and a half thousand rooms. The mighty central cupola of the National Library spans thirty metres high above the most beautiful reading hall in the world and each day white Lipizzaner stallions are trained in the Spanish Riding School. The Wachau covers thirty six kilometres of the Danube Delta with mediaeval old towns, castles and ruins, a Baroque monastery and an ancient vine growing culture. Linz is the capital of Upper Austria and is a dynamic industrial city with an old town that has a long history. It is the third largest city in Austria and is located on both banks of the Danube with several connecting bridges. Salzburg is a city of bishops and of music and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Austria as well as being the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The Grossglockner High Alps Road travels through one of the greatest natural landscapes in the world, the Hohe Tauern National Park, a remarkable mountain world in which nature is at its most glorious. Although this former powerful realm of the Habsburger is now a relatively small country, its history, traditions and the diversity of its remarkable landscapes have retained their irresistible allure. Austria will always be the majestic land in the very heart of Europe!
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- Abkhazia
- Abu Dhabi
- Afghanistan
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Albania
- Albany
- Alberta
- Albuquerque
- Algeria
- American Samoa
- Amherst
- Anaheim
- Andalusia
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Angus
- Annecy
- Antarctica
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antioquia
- Arachova
- Argentina
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Armenia
- Armoy
- Aruba
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Ashikaga
- Astana
- Astoria
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Attica
- Auburn
- Auckland
- Aurora
- Austin
- Australia
- Austria
- Azad Kashmir
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- Bagan
- Bahamas
- Baku
- Bali
- Ballymoney
- Baltimore
- Bamberg
- Banaue
- Banff
- Bangkok
- Bangladesh
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- Batangas
- Battle
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- Bayreuth
- Beaufortain
- Beijing
- Belarus
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- Belize
- Belluno
- Belogradchik
- Benalmádena
- Benin
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- Bermuda
- Bern
- Bhutan
- Birmingham
- Biscay
- Blaine
- Blenheim
- Blokzijl
- Boise
- Bojnice
- Bol
- Bolivia
- Bolzano
- Bonn
- Bonneville
- Bora Bora
- Boracay
- Bordeaux
- Boscobel
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Boston
- Botiza
- Botswana
- Bourtange
- Bran
- Bratislava
- Braunschweig
- Brazil
- Breckenridge
- Bremm
- Bristol
- British Columbia
- British Virgin Islands
- Brittany
- Broadway
- Bronx
- Brooklyn
- Bruges
- Brunei
- Brussels
- Bryce
- Budapest
- Buffalo
- Bukovina
- Bulgaria
- Burj Al Arab
- Burkina Faso
- Burnaby
- Burnley
- Burundi
- Busan
- Cabo San Lucas
- Calatagan
- Calgary
- California
- Calverton
- Cambodia
- Cambridge
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Canberra
- Cancun
- Cantabria
- Cape May
- Cape Town
- Cape Verde
- Carinthia
- Caroline Islands
- Cartagena
- Cayman Islands
- Cebu
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Chania
- Chantilly
- Charleston
- Cheshire
- Chicago
- Chile
- China
- Chinatown
- Chittagong
- Cholula
- Chongqing
- Chopta
- Cleveland
- Collingwood
- Cologne
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Comoros
- Coney Island
- Connecticut
- Cook Islands
- Cooperstown
- Copenhagen
- Cork
- Corning
- Cornwall
- Coron
- Costa Rica
- Countryside
- Coventry
- Cox's Bazar
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cuenca
- Cumbria
- Curacao
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Dallas
- Darjeeling
- Davao City
- Delaware
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denali
- Denmark
- Denver
- Derbyshire
- Derry
- Devon
- Dhaka
- Dinan
- Dinant
- Disneyland
- District of Columbia
- Djibouti
- Doha
- Dolwyddelan
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Donegal
- Dorset
- Dresden
- Dubai
- Dublin
- Dubuque
- Dyersville
- East Java
- East Sussex
- Ecuador
- Edina
- Edinburgh
- Edmonton
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Ellis Island
- England
- Enniskillen
- Ephesus
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Ernakulam
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Europe
- Faroe Islands
- Features
- Fiji
- Finland
- Firenze
- Flatiron
- Florence
- Florida
- Fontaines
- Fort Worth
- France
- French Polynesia
- Gabon
- Gainesville
- Gambia
- Gangtok
- Gansevoort
- Gansu
- Gatlinburg
- Geneva
- Genoa
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Giethoorn
- Gironde
- Glenfinnan
- Gloucestershire
- Goa
- Gordes
- Gouda
- Granada
- Greece
- Green Island
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Grenadines
- Grindelwald
- Groningen
- Guangxi
- Guatemala
- Guernsey
- Guilin
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Gwynedd
- Haifa
- Haikou
- Haiti
- Hallstatt
- Hambantota
- Hamburg
- Hamilton
- Hampton
- Harrietstown
- Hartford
- Haryana
- Havana
- Hawaii
- Helsinki
- Henan
- Hilversum
- Himachal Pradesh
- Hirta
- Hokkaido
- Holland
- Hollywood
- Hondarribia
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Honolulu
- Honshu
- Houston
- Hualien
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Idaho
- Ifugao
- Illinois
- Ilulissat
- India
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Indonesia
- Innsbruck
- Iowa
- Iran
- Ireland
- Ishikawa
- Island Gardens
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Istanbul
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jackson
- Jaipur
- Jaisalmer
- Jakarta
- Jamaica
- Jamestown
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Japan
- Jersey City
- Jisp
- Jodhpur
- Jordan
- Kaiserstuhl
- Kanazawa
- Kansas
- Kaoshiung
- Kapalua
- Karelia
- Karnataka
- Kashmir
- Kassel
- Kastellorizo
- Kathmandu
- Kazakhstan
- Kentucky
- Kenya
- Kerala
- Kerry
- Khagrachhari
- Khajuraho
- Kingsbridge
- Kingston
- Klevan
- Knaresborough
- Knightsbridge
- Kodagu
- Koggala
- Konark
- Kosovo
- Kotor
- Kowloon
- Kuala Lumpur
- Kulmbach
- Kuwait
- Kyoto
- Kyrgyzstan
- Ladakh
- Lahaina
- Lambertville
- Lancashire
- Laos
- Las Vegas
- Latina
- Latvia
- Lausanne
- Lauterbrunnen
- Leavenworth
- Lebanon
- Lech
- Leer
- Legzira
- León
- Lesotho
- Lewes
- Liberia
- Libya
- Lijiang
- Limehouse
- Limerick
- Lisbon
- Lisse
- Lithuania
- Littleton
- Liverpool
- Ljubljana
- Lofoten
- London
- Los Angeles
- Louisiana
- Lucerne
- Lucknow
- Lugano
- Luxembourg
- Maasin
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Madeira
- Madhya Pradesh
- Madrid
- Maine
- Makassar
- Málaga
- Malawi
- Malay
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malibu
- Malta
- Manarola
- Manhattan
- Manhattan Beach
- Manila
- Maple Beach
- Maramures
- Marazion
- Marina Bay
- Marrakesh
- Marseille
- Marshall Islands
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Maui
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayo
- McCall
- Mecca
- Melbourne
- Memphis
- Menorca
- Merseyside
- Mespelbrunn
- Mexico
- Miami
- Michigan
- Michoacán
- Middletown
- Milan
- Milford Sound
- Milky Way
- Millau
- Mindanao
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- Minsk
- Mischa Barton
- Mission
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Modica
- Mohawk Valley
- Molokini Crater
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montana
- Montenegro
- Montreal
- Morocco
- Moscow
- Mosel
- Mostar
- Mozambique
- Mudgee
- Muisne
- München
- Munich
- Munnar
- Muzaffarabad
- Myanmar
- Naga City
- Nagasaki
- Namibia
- Naples
- Nashville
- Navarre
- Nazareth
- Nebraska
- Neelam
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Nevada
- New Brunswick
- New Delhi
- New England
- New Hampshire
- New Haven
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans
- New South Wales
- New York
- New York City
- New Zealand
- Newark
- Newport
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Nikko
- Niue
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- North Island
- North Korea
- North Yorkshire
- Norway
- Norwich
- Nova Scotia
- Oahu
- Odisha
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oman
- Ontario
- Oregon
- Orlando
- Ottawa
- Oulu
- Overijssel
- Pago Pago
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Palawan
- Pamplona
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paris
- Paro
- Patagonia
- Paterson
- Pattaya
- Pauma Valley
- Pefkos
- Pembrokeshire
- Penang
- Pennsylvania
- Perthshire
- Peru
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- Philipsburg
- Phoenix
- Phuket
- Pichola
- Pingle
- Piriápolis
- Pittsburgh
- Point Roberts
- Poland
- Pondicherry
- Portland
- Porto
- Portofino
- Portugal
- Prague
- Provence
- Puducherry
- Puebla
- Puerto Rico
- Puteaux
- Qatar
- Quebec
- Queens
- Queensland
- Queenstown
- Quezon City
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